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How to find a product on the ActiMeat website ?

You have two options at your disposal on the home page, as follows :

The search engine
Enter a product reference, a name or a type of product in the search bar and click on the “magnifying glass” (search) icon.
Here is some advice about search terms :

  • avoid abbreviations
  • use simple words
  • enter an item reference to access the specifications sheet for it immediately

The “Our catalogue” tab
In the website menu bar, you will find “Our catalogue” Click on “Our catalogue” and in the section you will find all the products we offer for sale online, categorised by type of meat, by type of application and by range.

What to do if you can’t find a product ?
We are at your disposal to help you to find the product you are looking for.
Contact us :

  • by email, using the contact form.
  • or by calling us on +33 (0) 492 875 760

How to change or cancel an order ?

If you want to change or cancel an internet order, contact us as soon as possible by calling us on +33 (0) 492 875 760

Don’t forget to tell us the internet order number you received by email.

You have not found the answer to your question ?

Contact our customer service via our form

Click here

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ActiMeat manufactures minced meat and veggie products, meatballs and veggie balls, meat patties and vegetarian products, to meet the requirements of food manufacturers and food service (catering) businesses. Are you trying to find a supplier of, a wholesaler of or a manufacturer of products made from meat? Deep-frozen products which are ready to use – our high value-added ingredients will enhance your dishes.

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